In an emergency situation it is imperative for your VNA operators to have the right training to be able to escape from working at height equipment as safely as possible. Initially, our abseil escape training courses cover an introduction to all the specific equipment. Then we introduce controlled escapes and descents from increasing heights. Ultimately reaching the point when your staff are happy and proficient in the use of the equipment. All of our training is risk assessed, carried out with safety as paramount using back-up support systems at all times. Training is also conducted ‘on-site’ as this is the real environment that your employees will be using on a day-to-day basis. Regular refresher training is also necessary to avoid skill fade and should be built into your safety management processes. We can work around shift patterns to deliver effective training to suit you. For this price we can train up to 6 people in a day. We can also train more than this and bring additional trainers or spread the training over multiple days. For more information or to get a quote please contact us directly.
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